Compile and Run

Compile and Run


Download source code via git

git clone

Install Golang

Reference: Go Download and install


cd /path/to/hepton
make geth

If you want to use cross compile, like compiling on Mac for Linux, use make build_linux_node in /path/to/hepton/deployment/cross with docker started

Compilation is completed, the generated binary is in the folder build/bin.


By running ./build/bin/geth --help, we can get all option info. Specific usage can refer to Command-line Options


please refer deployment

SSD is required


Program will connect into mainnet after started. If you want to connect the public testnet, you can add option --testnet to command when starting.

Using docker images

If you prefer to run a hepton-client by docker container, then you can find the official docker images at heptonnetwork/hepton-client.

More over, there's a dockerfile at the root directory of the Hepton repository, you can build your own images according to your need.

docker build -t heptonnetwork/hepton-client .

Last updated